IPND Explained
IPND stands for the Integrated Public Number Database. It is where all phone numbers in Australia are recorded along with your registered name and address. By default, phone numbers are stored in the IPND as unlisted, meaning that information relating to your phone number is not publicly available. Unlisted numbers will still be available to emergency services, law enforcement agencies and some government departments such as the electoral office, as required by law. You have the option to choose either a listed or unlisted phone number when your service is created (with the default option being ‘unlisted’).
Updating my details – what do I need to do?
As above, if you have a phone service with us, the information provided with your account is shared with the Integrated Public Number Database (IPND) Manager to assist with emergency services, law enforcement agencies and some government departments (such as the electoral office) being able to contact you. It is a legal obligation on us to ensure this information is shared with the IPND Manager for the approved purposes.
If you want to update any of your details associated with your phone account, you can do this by calling our customer service team on 1300 847 201 or email our team on support@unitiwireless.com. We will then pass this onto the IPND Manager.
Changing my phone number to be listed or unlisted – what do I need to do?
If you would like to have your number changed from being listed to unlisted, or the other way around, please contact our support team on support@unitiwireless.com. An unlisted number is not publicly available, while a listed number is.
You can read more about the IPND below or read the full article here: https://support.unitiwireless.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042440614-Integrated-Public-Number-Database-IPND-
Where can I find out more about the IPND?
You can read all about IPND on the following pages: