Whilst we do everything we can to ensure that you do get the speed that we advertise for your plan there are certain things that can effect your speed which are out of our control. Your network design, router and the devices you have connected to your network can all effect speed.
If you are connecting via a wireless router in your home or business this can also effect your speed.
The best way to establish the speed we are delivering to you is to connect directly to your Uniti Wireless termination point via an Ethernet cable and run a speed test. This will show you accurately what the speed of the service is that we are delivering to you.
You can then compare this to a Health Check of your service, via the Customer Portal
If you notice a significant increase in speed on a wired test as opposed to a wireless test, you are potentially experiencing local wireless interference between your devices and router. If you've purchased a router from Uniti, please let us know the make and model of the device and we can provide further assistance.
If the device was purchased from a retailer, or maintained from a previous carrier, we recommend contacting the router manufacturer for further assistance.
We are happy to assist as best we can, regardless of where the router was purchased. Please feel free to contact us via email or give us a call on 1300 847 201, and we will help as best we can.
You can also find a thorough breakdown on the other factors that can effect your speed at unitiwireless.com/plan-speeds/