We are excited to now be offering NBN services to our Customers!
Uniti offer Fibre to the Premise/Home (FttP/FttH), Fibre to the Node/Basement (FttN,FttB), Fibre to the Curb/Distribution Point (FttC, FttDp) and Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC)
A diagram of the basic external connectivity of these services is shown below.
As you can see there is a bit of a difference in the external path taken to bring a connection to your property, and this isn't the only thing that differs.
Each technology type has a different customer access type, meaning you will need to ensure that you connect up your hardware (modem/router) correctly to get you up and running!
Starting with Fibre the the Premises, lets look at how you will get connected.
Fibre to the Premises/Home (FttP ,FttH)
The image below shows what devices you will have both outside and inside your home for this type of service.
Pretty picture right?! But let's go in deeper, to show you what each of these devices actually look like in reality...
As you can see, there is a few devices you need to be aware of to ensure you have your equipment setup correctly.
The two devices you will be dealing with are the Power Supply Unit (PSU) and the Network Termination Device (NTD) as show above.
The Power Supply Unit (PSU), as expected, is the unit responsibly for providing power to the Network Termination Device.
The Network Termination Device (NTD) is really where all the magic happens. This is the device that is responsible for converting the fibre optic signal fed to your house into a usable Ethernet connection, which in turn you connect your router to.
To learn how to correctly connect up your router if you have this type of service, click here.
FTTN (Fibre to the Node)
Fibre to the Node utilises the existing copper phone cabling that is connected to your premises, and need a special type of modem to operate.
An image below shows how this is connected up.
As you can see this setup is considerably less complex, but does provide a quality service just the same!
The important thing to note here is that you must use a VDSL2 compatible modem, which Uniti can provide as part of your service.
To learn how to correctly connect up your router is you have this type of service, click here.
Fibre to the Curb/Distribution Point (Fttc, FttDp)
This is the newest incarnation of the NBN, and does away with a large amount of the copper used in the aforementioned Fibre to the Node (Fttn) to bring you higher speeds!
A little more complex that Fibre to the Node, but with good reason. Due to the Fibre itself running past your premises, but there being a short run of copper between this point and your internal wall socket, a special "Network Connection Device" is required.
This Network Connection Device (NCD) is effectively responsible for sending power back out your exiting copper phone line cabling, allow data to pass over it, and converting that data into a usable ethernet port that you connect your router to.
To learn how to correctly connect up your router is you have this type of service, click here.
Hybrid Fibre Coaxial
Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC) is a technology that has been around for quite a while (you might know it as cable) however it has been updated and reconfigured to be utilised on the NBN network.
The physical configuration of this technology is very similar to both Fibre the the Premises. It has it's own physical line that comes in to your home, which connects to an NBN provided connection box.
The image below shows what to expect in this type of installation.
To learn how to correctly connect up your router is you have this type of service, click here.